How to bathe your dog

We all know how difficult it is to convince the majority of the dogs to enter into the bathroom, but this plays an important role in the health of the skin and coat of our dog, because it helps to keep them free of parasite and diseases in the skin. And of course, after the bath it's nice to touch it, look at it and, above all, smell it!
The time of the truth 
Once you are ready to get to work (with or without the cooperation of your dog), here are the following steps:
-Brushing your dog before the bath. The entanglements can withhold water, so make sure that it don’t have (if it are impossible, cut them off). 
-Monitors at all times that water does not enter the ears, could cause infections.
-Uses warm water. The skin of our dog is different to ours and if you put a hot water, it cans scorch. Put it more fresh if your dog is large in size.
-While you're basting it, talk with a calm voice and reassuring. It needs to know that it is not a punishment that although uncomfortable, is not that you want to do something bad, so the dog will see it differently with the passage of time don’t will hide every time you grab it towel.
-Use a shampoo for type of skin and fur for it, always and only shampoo for dog, massages this entire body of your dog, taking care in the area of the eyes and ears. R
-Rinse well. If there is any rest of soap in it body may cause irritations so rinse, rinse and re-rinse. r
-Dry it in the air. The dryer is too hot for the skin of the dog. The best is frotale it well with the towel and leave to dry "in air"A
-After drying, brush it well, and more if has long hair.I
-if you can put it colony for dogs. Are De-worming and leave a smell great.
-When the entire process finished recompenses it by how well made it and the patience it has had. Give a premium and play with it.
